Gauguin went to the South Seas, in search of the ideal human being. For many years, I also lived on an island, Hispaniola, perhaps for similar reasons.
However, what I actually saw there was a double image. The ideal human being, paradise, practically was intangible. The conquistadores had systematically destroyed the original Taino inhabitants, and today Coca-Cola culture was finishing the job. Nevertheless, I was able to subtly perceive that idea of an ideal human being - and I am still sensing it.
You are just like a gentle islander. Like a Tahitian, the way Gauguin (i) painted them. Do you know Gauguin's work? . Gentle. Beautiful.
I feel your kindness. Your openness towards me.
An Islander, who today is more Spanish than the Spaniards themselves, who with half of his heart laughs about them and with the other half weeps about the lost paradise.
Oh, my gentle islander: I believe that one can seek a lost paradise with the heart only. And live in it, in one's own little niche, in one's own body.
We could just as well stay in U. And be gentle with one another, open towards each other. Because we carry this archetype in our hearts, and there it is indestructible. We just have to live it.